Train Driver 2

International Part => English Boards => Wątek zaczęty przez: danid18 w 05 Października 2021, 14:44:32

Tytuł: Dispatcher exited the session
Wiadomość wysłana przez: danid18 w 05 Października 2021, 14:44:32
When the dispatcher leaving the session we got a message that let us know that he left and ask us to do restart and write timeout on the reason, but one of the dispatchers said to me that I broke the 2.15 regulation.
What was the right thing to do when the dispatcher left the session?
Tytuł: Odp: Dispatcher exited the session
Wiadomość wysłana przez: marbas83 w 05 Października 2021, 15:11:47
Use the chat command /swdr and ask the next station if you can enter from a scene that is off. After getting the permission, press F6 to activate the virtual traffic officer.

Written with the help of
Tytuł: Odp: Dispatcher exited the session
Wiadomość wysłana przez: KMSzczecin w 05 Października 2021, 15:33:49
To be more clear, you have three options:
- like mentioned above, you can go "offline" to the next scenery (you have to activate a dummy dispatcher (ZEW1/ZEW3, by default F5/F6 keys and after that you should ask next scenery for the permission to continue driving via /swdr command (type in the game chat "/swdr <message>"),
- also you can ask via /swdr other dispatchers to delete your timetable and join again on another scenery (if you don't want to drive through offline sceneries),
- you can rejoin on the next station from your timetable and ask the dispatcher to resume your timetable.

Another thing is what that dispatcher said to you - NEVER type this type of messages in the reason (i.e. timeout, zmiana scenerii) - these are messages sent by the game and writing them in the reason can be punishable by game moderators (at a highest penalty). It's better to write true reason, that dispatcher just left the station. If you want to finish your game earlier, just ask to delete the timetable, so 2.15 won't be broken.

If you have any more questions, let me know. I hope that everything is clear ;)