Train Driver 2

International Part => English Boards => Wątek zaczęty przez: Tankict_zapasa w 27 Października 2023, 10:11:30

Tytuł: Editor: new signals
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Tankict_zapasa w 27 Października 2023, 10:11:30
After update of signals i get problem with setting up aspects, before update it's just "ligt01,02" and etc, after now setted by "drab_l5,eha_glowica_5,tab,eha_kom_b" and etc, who can send me the current instructions for setting up traffic lights for dummies? I can't understand how it's works.
Tytuł: Odp: Editor: new signals
Wiadomość wysłana przez: trainfun09 w 27 Października 2023, 10:27:30

If you click on the puzzle in the signals menu, you can edit if in convinient way, without messing with komma's. Signals have two variants - v1 (tho they don't have that suffix) and v2. V2 you can edit down to every light, you can change the design of every cassing. V1 is edited like old signals - you just choose lights and state (old/normal/new). There is no editor yet, tho with this new method of editing and new models that don't act unexpectedly when you edit them I don't think you gonna need one ;).
Tytuł: Odp: Editor: new signals
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Tankict_zapasa w 27 Października 2023, 13:52:44