Train Driver 2

International Part => English Boards => Wątek zaczęty przez: Angelo w 10 Listopada 2020, 17:49:53

Tytuł: To help you with designing session networks
Wiadomość wysłana przez: Angelo w 10 Listopada 2020, 17:49:53

An important part of organizing a session is deciding which station is connected with which, according to the speed of the line, if it is electrified or not, if it's double or single track, and if it is PBL or SBL. At the end, one has to draw a map of the network.

The first job is usually done through a lot of research and the second is usually made with MsPaint.
You no longer need to do so: using Open Office, a free alternative to the popular MsOffice, I've drawn a schematic representation of each station with all the information you need!

Now you only have to drag each station in the place where it best fits! Couldn't be easier!

Here is the legend:

The paper: on the left there are all the stations, ordered by level and alphabetically, while in the center you have plenty of space to make your network:

Some of the station, which you can easily drag and drop:

An example I made, just as a proof of concept (I don't intend to actually make a session with this, although, if you want, feel free to copy and/or modify this design): a map that could be used to try to run both EIE and ROJ and see what happens (possibly with pre-calculated timetables, from which sessions would benefit A LOT):

Now, I will upload the ODG file ASAP, so that you can drag the stations on the map and create everything while seeing what fits best with what; but first I need some information that I didn't manage to find. I could look it up by opening each station and going to SWDR, but it would be faster to just ask:

Glinnik - name and speed of the lines?
Karszynek - same
Kieły - speed?
Lublinec - why can't I find anything about this station?
Radowice - names of the lines?
Stryków - same as Lublinec
Witonia - name and speed limits of the lines?
Zgierz Kontrewers - same
Krzemienice - between SM and BY, which is the electrified one?
Ciechany - speed?
Lisiczki - name of the lines?
Parzęczewo - speed on Pt?
Zgierz - speed?