Autor Wątek: WiP/Prace w toku: Passenger Information System for TD2  (Przeczytany 2593 razy)

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Passenger Information System for TD2
« dnia: 06 Listopada 2023, 14:58:35 »

This program simulates a Passenger Information System for the game Train Driver 2. The tool was created from 2 individual Powershell programs which have now been rewritten in Python and have been combined. There is a separate mode for the train driver to generate announcements for the train and its passengers and a mode for the dispatcher to generate platform announcements. The tool is designed to maximize the degree of automation with minimal input from the user.

-  General: If a new version is detected, you can download the new version via the app
-  General: Support for English, German and Polish
-  Driver Mode: Automatic determination of the timetable
-  Driver Mode: Custom Announcement for the Starting Station
-  Driver Mode: Custom Announcement for the Last Station
-  Driver Mode: Announcement option for exiting right or left, alternatively only the announcement of the next stop.
-  Driver Mode: 5 Buttons for Special Announcements
-  Driver Mode: Option to use a chime that is played before each announcement.
-  Driver Mode: Auto selection of the next Station
-  Driver Mode: All Audio Announcements can be customized
-  Driver Mode: Announcements can be played via a Hotkey
-  Driver Mode: Adjustment of the Output Volume for the Chime and Announcement
-  Dispatcher Mode: Auto-load all available Stations
-  Dispatcher Mode: Automatic detection of the trains in the station
-  Dispatcher Mode: Automatic generation of the station announcement based on the timetable ("passing through", "stop", "train ends")
-  Dispatcher Mode: 10 buttons to generate a fast train passing announcement
-  Dispatcher Mode: Automatic mention of the delay if it is over 5 minutes
-  More features to come

This mode is intended for the train driver to generate announcements for his train. The announcements are logically only for passenger trains. As soon as you have received a timetable in Train Driver 2, enter the train number at the top and click on "Load Schedule". The timetable will then be loaded. Note: The first and last stations are always loaded as well as all stops that are defined as PH in the timetable, all other entries in the timetable are ignored. To generate an announcement, select the stop for which you want to make an announcement.

There are now 3 options for the announcement: Exit right, Exit left and Next Stop Only. The first two options add the exit side to the announcement and Next Stop Only only mentions the next stop without mentioning an exit side. These 3 buttons also offer a hotkey function. More about this in the Hotkeys section. The announcements are always generated in the currently selected language. To change this, simply change the language in the selection menu.

There is also the option to play a chime before each announcement: To do this, press the "Select Gong" button and select the corresponding audio file.
The driver also has the option of generating special announcements. Buttons S1 to S5 are available for this purpose. The texts for these can be customized via config.cfg. Attention: Please make sure that the language selection corresponds to the text in the config.cfg.

This mode is for the dispatcher. The tool is designed to generate platform announcements. Audio announcements are generated and the announcement text is copied to the clipboard so that it can be pasted into the Train Driver 2 in-game chat. The tool automatically reads the train timetable and generates the announcements accordingly. Output is implemented in English, German, and Polish.

At the moment, the App generates the following Announcements fully automatically depending on the Timetable (EN is just an example. PL and DE have their own Text): 
If a train has a PH in a Station and has no Delay, the Announcement looks like this:
*STATION ANNOUNCEMENT* Attention at track 1, The pospieszny from Trzymałkowice to LIGOTA GRABOWSKA is arriving. The planned Departure is 12:05.
If a train has a PH in a Station and has a Delay > 5 Minutes, the Announcement looks like this: 
*STATION ANNOUNCEMENT* The pospieszny from station CZERMIN to station ŻORY, scheduled arrival 12:02, will arrive approximately 9 minutes late at platform 1. The delay is subject to change. Please pay attention to announcements.

If a Train ends at the Station, the Announcement looks like this:
*STATION ANNOUNCEMENT* Attention at track 1, the pospieszny from is arriving. This train ends here, please do not board the train.

If a train has no PH, is passing through, or has no timetable, this announcement is generated:
*STATION ANNOUNCEMENT* Attention at track 1, A train is passing through. Please stand back.

How to use the Mode:

1. Select the Station where you want to generate the Announcements 
2. In the language selection, select the language in which the announcement is to be generated. Attention: This selection also applies to the audio announcements. 
3. **Wait until the Train arrives at your Station**, click the Update Trains Button to Refresh the List of Trains
4. Select the Train for which you want to generate the Announcement 
5. Select the track for which the announcement is to be made. 
6. **OPTIONAL**: Do you want to hear the Announcement too? Then Select Play Audio. You can also choose a .wav File if you want the App to play a Gong before the Announcement 
7. Click the Button Generate. **It will now generate the Announcement and copies the Text into your Clipboard** so that you can easily paste it into the Chat of TD2 with STRG+V. There is also a Pop Up appearing where you 
can Check the generated Announcement. 
Note: The announcements for a PH are generated only for the primary station, not for small stops.

The program offers the possibility to adapt the text for the voice generation in the Driver mode. This currently requires 2 files:

This file is used to convert the train category from the shortcode to the long version for the announcements. This is currently only used for the special announcement at the departure station.

This is the main file that is used for the announcements. Here you can see the templates for English, German, and Polish. These can be customized individually. Please note: The adjustment must be made before the program is started, otherwise the changes will be ignored.

Additional_Announcement: are special announcements that are randomly added to the announcement.

Special: These are for the buttons S1 to S5 which you can use for your own special announcements. German special announcements are currently defined there.

Hotkey: The hotkeys for the 3 buttons in driver mode are defined here.

Hotkeys can be used for the Buttons "Exit Left, "Exit Right" and "Next Stop Only" The Hotkeys can be defined in the config.cfg (see above). Please note that the Hotkeys only work when the App is started as Admin!

You can Download the Tool via Github:
« Ostatnia zmiana: 15 Listopada 2023, 12:53:00 wysłana przez BravuraLion »
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Odp: On-board Passenger Information System for TD2
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 06 Listopada 2023, 19:34:17 »
Aplikacja super, czy będzie również język Polski?
Chętnie pomoge przy wykonaniu pulpitu scs do scenerii. Pisz na Pw forum.

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Odp: On-board Passenger Information System for TD2
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 06 Listopada 2023, 20:35:33 »
Nawet jak nie, to w najbliższym czasie sforkuję ten projekt i przetłumaczę. Tak działa Open Source. Choć autor twierdzi, że niedługo doda.

UPDATE: pull request zrobiony, czekam na odpowiedź autora
« Ostatnia zmiana: 06 Listopada 2023, 21:48:57 wysłana przez Argeos »
Wieczna eLka w edytorze scenerii. Robię schematy oraz SCSy, chcesz? To priv.

W pociągach ASMR zapewnia sam przejazd. W samolotach - cała otoczka i procedury lotniskowe.

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Odp: On-board Passenger Information System for TD2
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 06 Listopada 2023, 21:53:49 »
Przydatna aplikacja, na pewno urealistyczni nasze przejazdy pociągami pasażerskimi.
Co do języka polskiego dajmy czas autorowi projektu.

Mam tylko małą uwagę: Nie wiem jak w Niemczech, lecz w Polsce nie spotkałem się jeszcze z zapowiedzią strony wyjścia (tylko w metrze) oraz przy zapowiedziach również mówią (czasami) o stacji końcowej.
Przykład: Następna stacja: Piastów, stacja końcowa: Pruszków
Nie potraktuj tego jako błąd w aplikacji tylko jako ciekawostkę.

English translation:
A useful application that will certainly make our passenger train journeys more realistic.
As for the Polish language, let's give the author of the project time.

I only have a small comment: I don't know about Germany, but in Poland I have not yet seen an announcement of the exit point (only in the metro) and the announcements also mention (sometimes) the end station.
Example: Next station: Piastów, final station: Pruszków
Don't treat this as a bug in the application, just a curiosity.

I wish you further success in developing the application :)
« Ostatnia zmiana: 06 Listopada 2023, 21:56:03 wysłana przez Minesis123 »

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Odp: On-board Passenger Information System for TD2
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 06 Listopada 2023, 23:04:27 »
« Ostatnia zmiana: 15 Listopada 2023, 12:53:41 wysłana przez BravuraLion »
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Odp: On-board Passenger Information System for TD2
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 09 Listopada 2023, 19:24:19 »
The big update is here!

It's finally done!. The On-board Passenger Information Tool has been completely rewritten in Python. It is now much easier to use and the problems with the Powershell Exe and the wrong AV messages are now a thing of the past. The global hotkeys are now also supported. You can simply adjust them in the configuration file and the program should react when you are inside TD2. I look forward to your feedback! Ps: Don't forget: You can customize all texts in the configuration file according to your wishes!

You can Download the new Version via
« Ostatnia zmiana: 15 Listopada 2023, 12:54:07 wysłana przez BravuraLion »
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Odp: On-board Passenger Information System for TD2
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 10 Listopada 2023, 22:33:46 »
unglaublich was du für die Community machst!
Vielen Dank für das Programm :)

Offline BravuraLion

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Odp: Passenger Information System for TD2
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 15 Listopada 2023, 12:59:44 »

The new 2.0 update is now available!

In this update, the dispatcher mode has finally been integrated which replaces the former Powershell tool. In addition, there are improvements to the hotkey system and various other small fixes. If you have already installed the program, you should receive the update automatically the next time you start it. I have also updated the first post accordingly and extended the documentation. It is possible that the dispatcher mode in particular still has bugs, please report them to me here in the forum.

What's coming next?

The dispatcher mode will be extended so that the texts can also be configured as in the driver mode. Furthermore, we are working on an improved timetable view. There will also be the option to generate announcements for smaller stations in a scenery. The Discord Rich Presence is also a feature that will be implemented soon.
« Ostatnia zmiana: 16 Listopada 2023, 04:26:01 wysłana przez BravuraLion »
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Odp: Passenger Information System for TD2
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 16 Listopada 2023, 19:32:05 »
Version 2.2 now on Github with these changes:

  • Portuguese Support for Driver Mode (Dispatcher Mode needs translation help)
  • You can now Customize the Text in the Dispatcher mode :) (Finally)
  • Timetable Detection Bugfixes in Dispatcher Mode

Dodano: 17 Listopada 2023, 15:50:46

Version 2.3 released:

In this Version you can now change the Voices used for the different languages to your liking :) Alo we added Support for russian.

  • Added option to change the language model
  • Added support for Russian (thanks tankict)
  • The App is now finally signed with a Certificate :)
« Ostatnia zmiana: 17 Listopada 2023, 15:50:46 wysłana przez BravuraLion »
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