Autor Wątek: Week in the simulator  (Przeczytany 57284 razy)

0 użytkowników i 2 Gości przegląda ten wątek.

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
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  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
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  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 37/2023
« Odpowiedź #45 dnia: 18 Września 2023, 13:27:45 »
Week 37/2023
September 11-17, 2023

  • Bogus_PB - Fixed bug #3324 when sometimes, PKP 206Sh wagons would spawn with PKPC texture when using the /sp command.
  • Krzys292 - Fixed bug #3323 - Disappearance of the maszt_radiowy object after 1km.

  • Chudya - Version of hand lever painting with two red stripes.

  • Emik - LCS Poznań - scenery submitted for stage II check of areas III and IV of the LCS (+information about the search for a person who can make the surroundings for the scenery),
  • Trichlor - Aleksandrów Kujawski - overhead line correction for pantograph detection by locomotives,
  • tw79 - Tomysłów - scenery adapted to the Ypsilon version,
  • KimszuTV - Radzyń Podlaski - scenery has passed the Stage I check in the SSS,
  • Bryk111 - Siegiewice Główne - scenery has passed the Stage I check in the SSS,
  • barti123 - Sławica - scenery has been submitted to the SSS.

  • EUgenio07 - Updates to the scenery list, minor corrections in the isolations guide.

Apps & Tools

  • Hammer - ongoing work on the "frontend" (browser interface) part of the service,
  • janoxxx - Minor improvements have been made server-side, and event logging has been enhanced,
  • janoxxx, xoorbes - Transfer of the email address verification mechanism to the target Association account.

TTSK Association

Selection of information from the Forum

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 38/2023
« Odpowiedź #46 dnia: 25 Września 2023, 11:00:21 »
Week 38/2023
September 18th - 24th, 2023

  • Marcin_S, Krzys292 - Completion of work on the EP09 locomotive. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that this is a significant event, both for the Team that has tirelessly worked on the model and its functionalities for many months, as well as for the entire community. Introducing this highly anticipated locomotive to TD2 is a kind of breakthrough that breaks the stagnation that prevailed in the locomotive market in the simulator. The preparation of the model from scratch to finish by our Team clearly indicates the direction of further development of the simulator and reinforces the belief that more traction vehicles will soon emerge from the hands of the Developers, for whom I extend my heartfelt thanks.

  • Lokol - Fixed bug #3277 - The upper scaling limit of the graphical interface in the driver's and dispatcher's modes has been reduced to 120%. Thanks to this change, the settings menu button at the bottom will no longer go off-screen in any case, preventing changes from being saved.

  • Lokol, chudya - Covered wagon type 425S in two liveries:

  • chudya - EM-120z measurement trolley

  • scanistar - Stalowa Wólka - scenery has been submitted to the SSS
  • Drozda32 - Wrzosowo - scenery has passed Stage I check in SSS
  • Janusz1321 - Mońki - scenery has been released


Between September 19 and 22, the 15th International Railway Fair TRAKO took place in Gdańsk, where our colleague Ares28 was present. In just 2 days, he managed to have several interesting conversations and make many contacts with companies in the industry. Only time will tell whether these contacts will contribute to the further development of the simulator. On the occasion of this visit, Emik designed a TTSK business card, which Ares had the opportunity to hand over to other companies.

« Ostatnia zmiana: 25 Września 2023, 11:02:48 wysłana przez Wewek »

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 39/2023
« Odpowiedź #47 dnia: 02 Października 2023, 14:59:46 »
Week 39/2023
September 25th - October 1st, 2023


Release 2023.2.1 is approaching rapidly. There are some pending matters regarding signalization and weather assets. The developer meeting scheduled for this Wednesday will likely determine the release calendar.


  • Lokol, chudya - Type 426Z flatcar with military vehicles as cargo

  • Marcin_S - Presentation of the completed roof for the ET22 locomotive. More screenshots can be found here

  • Rybson - Węglowce - scenery development resumed
  • Littlebeaver - Stara Rawa - scenery development resumed
  • Towotn - Owocowo - scenery submitted to SSS
  • Minesis123 - Zielone Wzgórza - scenery submitted to SSS

Apps & Tools
  • Thundo, Stasiu - Interfaces for 4F2.0 and 4.4Ft in SUP have been entirely rewritten:

  • Thundo - Development of the new design of information boards in tablice-td2 has been started, inspired by the appearance of Warsaw Zachodnia:

  • Hammer - Work on the user interface is ongoing.
  • janoxxx - Testing of a new server-based user authentication solution with enhanced capabilities has begun. A decision regarding its implementation instead of the original planned solution will be made after the tests are completed.

Selection of information from the Forum
« Ostatnia zmiana: 02 Października 2023, 16:12:37 wysłana przez Wewek »

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 40/2023
« Odpowiedź #48 dnia: 09 Października 2023, 11:37:44 »
Week 40/2023
October 2th-8th, 2023

Preliminary schedule for 2023.2.1 version

At the end of this week, a test version will be made available for Sponsors. The test version will undergo evaluation for a maximum of one week, after which, during the following week, corrections will be made for any errors found during testing. After resolving these issues, a new version of the simulator will be released.
The team encourages participation in testing the new version and reporting issues following the standard procedure. Your involvement and detailed descriptions of encountered issues expedite and enhance the correction process, which can lead to a shorter waiting time for the release. Thank you in advance for your assistance.


  • Marcin_S, Krzys292 - new models of EHA and Ericsson signals in three levels of wear

  • Krzys292 - a window for easier editing of signal box entries, setting the color version, and testing the light signal in the editor

  • Krzys292 - shader replicating the real behavior of light in the signal box lens

  • Chudya - model of an old ticket machine

  • Dominpiano - new model and functionality of UZE locks

  • eryk2004w - Igrekowice - scenery passed the stage I in the SSS
  • Bryk111 - Pyry - scenery passed the stage I in the SSS
  • KMSzczecin - Kłosowice - scenery passed the stage I in the SSS
  • Janusz1321 - Wasilków - scenery passed all stages of SSS check and is waiting for entry into SWDR
  • Upupork - Sarnów Modrzewski - scenery passed track circuits check as part of the third stage of SSS
  • Sceneries adapted to Ypsilon version: Nakło, Brenno.

  • EUgenio07 - Update of the scenery list to add new ones and remove retired ones, update of translations into English and German

  • Change in the Team on October 5th, 2023: Pepsi2026 was promoted to the rank of Global Moderator after successfully completing the trial period.

Selection of information from the Forum

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 41/2023
« Odpowiedź #49 dnia: 16 Października 2023, 16:52:55 »
Week 41/2023
October 9th-15th, 2023


In accordance with the previously established schedule for the tests of version 2023.2.1, the final version of the test build for Sponsors is being prepared, which will be made available today (October 16th) in the evening. Once again, we encourage participation in testing and reporting any issues, which will allow for their efficient resolution.


  • 2 types of bridges, concrete and steel in single and double track versions

  • Concrete plant model

  • Silo models in several color variations


  • Littlebeaver - Legno - the scenery passed stage III in the SSS


  • An assembly and operation manual for UZE locks has been prepared. It will be added to Wikipedia in the near future.

Apps & Tools

  • janoxxx - Over the next week, the migration of the user registration module to the new server-based solution is scheduled to be completed.

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 42/2023
« Odpowiedź #50 dnia: 23 Października 2023, 15:28:05 »
Week 42/2023
October 16th-22nd, 2023


The previous week was spent on testing the new version of the simulator. Developers have been actively addressing the issues observed and reported by you (41 tickets) and have been working on the optimiziation of new features. Some of the reported issues, not considered critical, will be solved in a patch or in the next release, which we aim to do later this year. Currently, preparations are underway to release the new version, and we do not plan a second round of testing at this time.
The release of the stable version is currently in its final stages, and it can be expected in the nearest future.

  • NIE_pomarancz23 - Grzybki - the scenery has been submitted to the SSS
  • vakaru - Krasno - the scenery has passed the first stage of the SSS check
  • Newmikus2k - LCS Malbork - the scenery has passed the second stage of the SSS check
  • Matejko820 - Rojowiec - the scenery has passed the SPK check as part of the third stage in the SSS
  • Several sceneries are in the process of being adapted to version 2023.2.1 "Epoka." The list will be published in the weekly magazine after the stable version is released.


Apps & Tools

Selection of information from the Forum

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 43/2023
« Odpowiedź #51 dnia: 30 Października 2023, 15:55:12 »
Week 43/2023
October 23rd-29th, 2023

A new version of the simulator has been released - 2023.2.1 "Epoka". Key changes include:
  • Introduction of dynamic weather conditions system
  • Addition of the EP09 locomotive (available only to Sponsor rank holders until the end of November)

  • Introduction of new EHA and Ericsson signal models

  • Addition of many vehicle and building models, some of which are presented below:

  • Detailed information about the new version of the simulator and the changelog can be found in this thread.

  • dominikyt8 - Cis 2018 - scenery submitted to the SSS
  • Monteusz - Cieszkowo - scenery has passed the first stage of SSS check
  • TrBleMaker - Wschodna - adapted version of the scenery passed the first stage of SSS check
  • Forum or GitLab information on scenery updates for the Epoka version: Zimnice, Grębów, Łapanów, Rudnik nad Sanem, Dziewoszyce, Warszowice-Strumień, Nakło, Skrzynki, Poddębice, Szadek, Otok and Wijewo.
  • Sceneries that have already been adapted for the Epoka version and are awaiting entry into SWDR: Mońki, Lilianowo.

  • Wewek, matseb, EUgenio07, FDL52 - main page has been updated with information about the new version, translations to English, German, and Czech have been updated.
  • matseb - provision of a complete set of screenshots of rolling stock for the new version of the simulator, to be included in the future TD2 rolling stock article.

Apps & Tools

Forum Tools

  • Change in the team on October 23rd - krzysiek9825 was reinstated as a Global Moderator.

Selection of information from the Forum
« Ostatnia zmiana: 30 Października 2023, 15:57:47 wysłana przez Wewek »

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 44/2023
« Odpowiedź #52 dnia: 06 Listopada 2023, 16:22:37 »
Week 44/2023
October 30 - November 5, 2023

  • The first stage of couplings optimization process, which should result in a noticeable increase in gameplay smoothness after loading the scenery
  • Krzys292 - completion of the first stage of separating the script from track objects, which enabled, among other things, fixing derailments, manual derailment repair, and enabling the insertion of double/triple lanterns
  • xoorbes, dominpiano - a new derailer model

  • Krzys292 - mechanical ELS-6 button model

  • Krzys292 - button for redownloading the game package in the settings

  • kapi2009 - Cierpice - scenery submitted to the SSS
  • barti123 - Wierzbin - scenery passed the first stage in the SSS
  • Drozda32 - Białogard - scenery passed the second stage in the SSS
  • Fofal, Janusz1321, trainfun09, EUgenio07, SA108 - Wasilków - scenery released
  • Forum and GitLab information on adapting sceneries for the Epoka version: Krnów, Żerniki, LCS Perzów, Zawadówka.

Apps & Tools

Forum Tools

TTSK Association

Selection of information from the Forum
  • trainfun09 - another part of the Zakopianka project chronicle, featuring stations located in Kraków. The screenshot shows the current progress of work at Kraków Główny (Kraków Main Station).

  • KMSzczecin - the "Thoughts on Releases" thread, offering an interesting read about the simulator's development direction from the players' perspective

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 45/2023
« Odpowiedź #53 dnia: 13 Listopada 2023, 16:03:35 »
Week 45/2023
November 6th-12th, 2023

  • Krzys292 - the second stage of optimization, which involves division of every scenery into chunks. Sceneries will no longer be loaded all at once, and static objects like plants will be split into "chunks" dynamically loaded within the camera's render distance. This has shortened scenery loading times, increased gameplay smoothness, and reduced the frequency of the black loading screen when loading another scenery. As a side effect of the applied system, there are a few seconds of stuttering when the dispatcher teleports to distant signal boxes. The system is not active in the editor - there, the scenery is loaded all at once.


  • Kryszakos - Wilkowo - scenery submitted to the SSS
  • Forum and GitLab information on adapting sceneries for the Epoka version: Wijewo, Ligota Grabowska, Trzymałkowice, Wronowice, Brenno.

  • Wewek - work in progress: updating the Simulator Settings page and preparations for writing an article on the daily cycle and weather conditions.

Apps & Tools

Forum Tools

Selection of information from the Forum

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 46/2023
« Odpowiedź #54 dnia: 20 Listopada 2023, 17:16:19 »
Week 46/2023
November 13th-19th, 2023


Optimization work is currently undergoing internal testing and preliminary verification stage of the useful ranges of the new mechanisms. The next, third stage of changes will involve loading vehicles during scene merging to eliminate timeouts. Due to the extensive work, the release will be delayed - at this stage, community tests are scheduled for the last week of November, and the release for early December.

  • matseb - searchlight model and LED lamp model with a 4m pole

  • Groszak07 - Witowo - scenery submitted to the SSS
  • Matejko820 - Trawniki - scenery passed the RASP check as part of the third stage in SSS
  • Forum and GitLab information on updates to sceneries for the Epoka version: Brenno, Bystra Woda, Radzikowo, Grębów.

Apps & Tools

Forum Tools

TTSK Association
  • Change in the Team on November 19th: chudya left the team. More information on this and the future of models provided by Artur can be read in this message. The latest model made by Artur in his modeling thread, i.e., the 445Rb tanker model is presented below. I would like to express my sincere thanks for Artur's immense work for TD2.

Selection of information from the Forum

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 47/2023
« Odpowiedź #55 dnia: 27 Listopada 2023, 16:16:16 »
Week 47/2023
November 20th-26th, 2023

Yet another week was dedicated to optimizing various simulator mechanisms. Internal tests show significant reduction in scenery loading and unloading times, a significant decrease in freezes during these operations, and a general increase in framerate. Thanks to the generosity of GitLab, we managed to obtain a commercial license for our most important tool free of charge. This license unlocks several important features for us, facilitating work organization (e.g. ticket dependencies). As part of Black Friday, taking advantage of the ongoing shopping frenzy, we also made several purchases, mainly servers, but we also bought two models.

  • During in-team tests, specific data on the chunk system were collected. According to them, using this system, depending on the hardware, sceneries, and other settings, loading times can be 30-70% shorter, gameplay smoothness can increase by 20-40%, and RAM usage can be about 30% lower.
  • During the ongoing work, processes that affect performance during scenery loading were identified. It turned out that many elements were loaded very inefficiently (in addition, some resource-intensive processes were unnecessarily invoked multiple times), resulting in significant performance drops and long loading times. Thanks to the introduced changes, which mainly concerned the method of loading tracks and switches, as well as adjusting the limits on the number of loaded objects per frame, it was possible to significantly speed up and streamline the loading process. In the coming days, tests will measure how much this will improve scene loading.

The order of adding models still waiting in line has been established.

The preview of the models can be looked up by clicking on the external links.

Purchased models:

Free models:


  • EUgenio07 - completion of the #13 ticket regarding the update of the simulator keybindings. These changes are already publicly available.

Apps & Tools

  • janoxxx - completion of work on the user registration module in the new authentication system. The work will now focus on implementing the remaining functionalities and configuring and testing the application.

Tools from the Forum

TTSK Association

Purchase of four new servers at a discount price (two dedicated, two virtual), which will replace the currently functioning ones. The following services have been migrated so far:
  • Gitlab
  • Mattermost
  • SWDR/API in both stable and developer versions
  • Tools for generating scenery packs
  • Integrator
  • All current mirrors have been replaced with new ones
  • New wiki (which is still being organized)

In the queue for migration (and potential optimization) are:
  • forum
  • TS3

Selection of information from the Forum
  • NasWille - thread regarding Sufczyn scenery
  • trainfun09 - video material about the premiere of the LCS Sandomierz scenery, which can be watched here

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 48/2023
« Odpowiedź #56 dnia: 04 Grudnia 2023, 17:11:05 »
Week 48/2023
November 27th - December 3rd, 2023


  • Continuation of work on optimization, focusing mainly on rendering tracks and sleepers. A mechanism is being developed that will connect and save turnouts and mountings in turnouts, reducing the number of objects to display, shortening their generation time, and thereby improving gameplay smoothness and reducing scenery loading times. In addition, it has turned out possible to simplify and shorten the checking of conditions for generating sleepers in tracks, illuminating lanterns, and using switches in the cabin with use of the keyboard. At the end of the work, a comparison will be prepared to show the difference in smoothness, scenery loading time, and resource consumption in the prepared version compared to the stable version. Due to newly discovered optimization issues and the possibility of obtaining additional FPS, the release is delayed, but we are trying to make it available before the winter holidays.
  • Krzys292 - the feature to enter several isolated sections, separated by commas, into one track

More sceneries are in the process of being adapted to the Epoka version. The full list is available in the TD2 Wiki.

  • EUgenio07 - ongoing update of the scenery list related to their adaptation to the Epoka version

TTSK Association
  • Wewek, FDL52, matseb - preparation of translations of documentation related to moderation activities into English, German, and Czech, commissioned by Chief Moderators

Selection of information from the Forum
  • Lokol, matseb Contest for screenshots for the main menu, stage 3: community voting. We encourage you to participate here.
  • trainfun09 - summary of the LCS Sandomierz scenery premiere

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
  • *
  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
  • Wewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezesWewek prezes
  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 49/2023
« Odpowiedź #57 dnia: 11 Grudnia 2023, 17:57:25 »
Week 49/2023
December 4-10, 2023

As part of the optimization process, one of the most important changes has been introduced: improvement of the method of generating and rendering sleepers. Previously, each sleepers was set as a physical object on the scenery and rendered one after the other. This caused lag spikes during their generation and significantly extended the rendering of each frame. The new system uses the instance rendering mechanism, significantly reducing the number of draw calls on the graphics engine (i.e., commands to render the grid sent from CPU to GPU). This translates into a noticeable increase in gameplay smoothness and eliminates lags during the generation of sleepers. The chart below shows how, over the course of the recent optimization stages, the frame rates (fps) and frame generation times (ms) changed in dispatcher mode on several scenes. The "build6/stable" column indicates the performance improvement in the latest developer version compared to the stable version 2023.2.1, and "build6/build4" indicates the improvement caused only by the changed rendering of sleepers. The presented data was measured on a fairly powerful computer, and in the coming week, final measurements comparing gameplay smoothness and scene loading times on hardware with different components will be conducted.

(click on the thumbnail to open the table in full resolution)

Optimization work is coming to an end, and the last stage, optimization of rolling stock loading, is planned for this week. The release date has not yet been determined, but it should become clear in the next few days.
ATTENTION! The gantry_01 and stripper objects have been COMPLETELY removed from the simulator due to their very bad optimization. Scenery creators are kindly asked to eliminate them from their sceneries and not include them in new ones. In the near future, the bower_xx objects will also be removed, so they should also be phased out.

  • NIE_pomarancz23 - Zakrzów - scenery submitted to the SSS
  • barti123 - Sławica - the scenery passed the stage I of check in the SSS
  • jasieleczeq - Ciechany - the scenery passed the stage I of check in the SSS
  • Drozda32 - Dygowo - the scenery passed the SPK check as part of the stage III in the SSS
  • Information from the forum or GitLab about updates to the Epoka version: Brenno, Łaskarzew, Wasilków, Lublinek.

Apps & Tools

Selection of information from the Forum

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

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  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
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  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 50/2023
« Odpowiedź #58 dnia: 18 Grudnia 2023, 14:28:08 »
Week 50/2023
December 11-17, 2023


  • Krzys292 - the first steps in optimizing rolling stock. The devised system assumes that locomotive and carriage objects will spawn only within the camera's range, not across the entire scenery at once. As a result, the instantiation time for all objects will be shortened, eliminating the risk of timeouts during connection to the scenery. However, this will require many tests to ensure that such a system does not introduce errors in other elements.
  • dominpiano - added a ramp to the derailer, manual drive for derailer, a new running bar, improved the animation of the block key, and added new sounds for it.

  • Additionally, the modeling of a new block device has started. All sizes and sounds were obtained thanks to the courtesy of colleagues from the Communication School Team in Poznań.

  • chudya, Lokol - covered wagon type 401Ka in three liveries and as a wagon adapted for a power plant

Elements removed from the simulator:

  • stripper

  • gantry_01

  • Rybson - Łopiennik - the scenery has passed the check of corrections in stage II in the SSS and the mileage check as part of stage III
  • Drozda32 - Wrzosowo - the scenery has passed the stage II check in the SSS
  • Matejko820 - Minkowice - resumption of scenery development

TTSK Association
  • Training Team - announcement of Trainers' Educational Session, which will take place on Saturday, January 13, from 7 PM CET to 11 PM CET. More information on this topic can be found here.

Selection of information from the Forum

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)

Offline Wewek

  • Naczelnik redaktorów
  • Sponsor
  • Grupa II
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  • Redaktor
  • Wiadomości: 191
  • Siła reputacji: 301
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  • ZEW10 mechaniku!
Week 51/2023
« Odpowiedź #59 dnia: 25 Grudnia 2023, 19:11:03 »
Week 51/2023
December 18th-24th, 2023


Dear Readers,
As this edition of the Weekly Magazine is released on a holiday and is also the last edition of the Weekly Magazine this year, on behalf of myself and the entire TD2 team, I would like to extend my warmest wishes for a healthy, joyful, and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024. May it be a year of many positive moments, successes, and the realization of dreams. The Weekly Editorial team thanks you for your presence in the past year and, without further ado, invites you to read this week's edition :)

  • xoorbes - transfer of the scene synchronization mechanism to a new server
  • xoorbes - optimization of objects (more information coming soon)
  • Krzys292, _l0stfake7 - continuation of work on rolling stock optimization. Over 20 attempts and corrections have been made. In the meantime, the previous idea was verified and slightly modified - vehicle objects will be placed independently of the rendering range but with a limit of one per frame. Additionally, scripts for vehicles outside the range will be disabled, so their truck positions will not be unnecessarily updated, among other things. Furthermore, the "ownership" mechanism of networked vehicles has been changed. Previously, after detaching from the locomotive, wagons would become the property of the traffic controller, which sometimes caused problems with welding or derailing when flying around and trying to reconnect. From the new version, wagons will change ownership only when connected to another player or when the original owner logs out. The main core mechanism has already been tested, and only minor things and cosmetics remain to be completed. The new version will be delayed by about 7 days; the delay of the new version may change.

  • hubciu25a96454 - Koplice - scenery submitted to the SSS
  • Upupork - Sarnów Modrzewski - the scenery passed the SPK check as a part of stage III of the SSS
  • Scenery adapted to the Epoka version: Orniki.

Apps & Tools
  • Thundo - update of the TD2 Boards program to version 1.4.0

TTSK Association
  • xoorbes - Financial eport for November
  • Trainers Team reminds about the ongoing registration for another edition of the Trainer Educational Session. Details and registration in this thread.

Statements from Heads regarding changes in the functioning of departments during the holiday season:

Selected Forum Information

Naczelnik Redaktorów | Redaktor Naczelny Tygodnika
Projekty: Pogórz (etap 3 w SSS, planowana premiera: Q4 2026), Stynice (faza projektowa, planowana premiera: 2032)